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Microbes are everywhere.


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Events Tabling | Types of Workshops | Types of Programs

Events Tabling

Events tabling would include having a table or space in/on which information can be provided or be manned to answer visitor questions, whether at a fair, green market, street fair, etc.

The samples to prepare...

The tools and ingredients to have on hand...

The signs to have ready...

The printouts (leaflets, brochures, cards, etc.) to hand out...

Types of Workshops

To educate, show how-to or train others.

Bokashi Method of Recycling Food Waste Workshop

EM (Effective Microorganisms) Introductory Workshop

Home and Gardening with EM (Effective Microorganisms)

EM Mudballs Workshop

Soil Bioremediation with EM and Bokashi

Types of Programs

Programs include an occasional or frequent on-going activity to treat, apply or make something.

Bokashi Food Waste System for Community Gardens

Home Bokashi Bucket Program

Bokashi Making Program

Activated EM Making Program

EM Mudballs Making Program

Soil Bioremediation Program