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- News Updates - free subscription (subscribing and unsubscribing)
- GoodMicrobes Digest - paid subscription (subscribing and unsubscribing)
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News Updates - free subscription
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This free subscription is only for receiving email notifications of the following:
- upcoming events
- workshops
- request for occasional feedback
- and other announcements.
Expect anywhere from 1 email per month to 1 or 2 emails per week, but may average 1-3 emails per month.
To Unsubscribe from the free email list, send the following message to this same email address, either in the subject or in the body of your email message:
"Unsubscribe from the free subscription"
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GoodMicrobes Digest - paid subscription
Subscribe to our paid (annual payment $12.00/year) email monthly notification service:
Please read the details below before subscribing.
If you are having problems with Subscribing or Unsubscribing, please email details of the problem you are having to
Details. This paid subscription is for receiving a monthly email with the following content:
- See example email of the GoodMicrobes Digest.
- Mainly a notification of new significant materials online.
(materials could be articles, reviews, how-to, photo journal, and any significant material contributions to the website.) - With link to each full, long-version materials, that's featured. Although it will be available to anyone online, those not on this subscription will not know of new materials without having to go to the website.
- Will contain short briefs of each material (may not be available in some cases on the online version).
- Will also cover each part of the current website in small digestible bits so that over time you would have essentially read the whole website.
- The GoodMicrobes Digest (copy of the email content itself, as same as the example above) will not be available in the free archive online until after 6 months. That is, while the featured materials will be available online (in their separate category locations), the email digest that notifies about it and contains the summary with briefs of all the features that month, will not be available to the public until after 6 months of its delivery to paid subscribers.